happy birthday!

stuti to SERENA!!! stuti and ser friendship moments. very cayte tbh

HAI!!!!!!!! stuti . happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! been here isnce the womb. since the birth extraction ;-; and experienced all your phases can be used as blackmail . your future job the medicine thing . anwyays u saur old now !!! i used to change ur diapers. ok maygeb more like u changed mine but ;-; same thign i gues. I KNOW you will have the best birthay ever bcuz of us and. ur other fake irl friends . they better igve u like a new house . mansion infact !!! oka but if i knew u irl i owuld get u. something. idk but . acutall yno i. ill buy the cake and balloons for ur party >__< u lod enough to make money wyd on discord and snapchat i--- !!!!!!!!!!! but thas okay ur life . ur rules. once u 18 u need tew stawp talking to minors on dsicoerd ;- thouhg. when u 18 im gonna beeeeeee ummmm 14 ewwww i feel old. acutally how ut feel to e 17. adult . one more year. i wanna be old erthough ................... is ti fun u almost legal suti!!!!!!!!!! once u lege u can drive WAHT!!!!!! shock. emoji sutit u dognan crash. i bet. im sorry dont crash . pls. . i say. will u drive to the usa. to pick me up. and go back to your home wil me. with. then we an pick u p vin. then we can buy new house. then we can die peacfully. friengroup meetup true. if i was your age (80) i would dooooooooooooo some devious stuff. u so well behaved though. liek how u nawt taking drugs already ;-; i would. hoenstly. wear transparent if u need hekp. in the next video .... we willl call the po to the lice. erm. u the one stuti. u the chosen one. cause u passing all ur exams i failled. i failed lowke. u keeping up. age 17. made it to here almost end of obby . succsefufll. the studying gonna pay awffff!!!!! u can buy all the cookie run dimonds u want when u get job. my job gonna be like janitor and u is ceo of succesful company erm . that sound bad for my futur i should start sutyding as well ... adding o my dailt scehdule. BUTTTT!! hav eht ebest pbirthday ever . I KNWO U WILL .bcuz i ssaid so :3 ui the best. keep up the good work. i lavu uoyu !!!!!!!!!!! ;-;